Travel Photography

The Galapagos Travel Chronicle would not exist if not for the invention of the fully automatic digital camera, specifically the Canon PowerShot S110.  My personal travels for nearly thirty years were made without a camera.  The complication added by bags of film, lenses, filters, meters, etc. was too big a trade-off for the ability to simply pack a bag and go, and then be totally unencumbered during activities on the trip.  Next, the photos had to be developed and printed, or turned into slides, with the inevitable frustration and expense.  Digital photography changed all of that.

On the other hand, the camera would not have been purchased if not for the trip.  This shared once-in-a-lifetime adventure to the Galapagos Islands caused me to realize that it would be extremely selfish not to make some attempt to preserve the event, so I bought my partner Courtney the PowerShot as a present.  About two days into the trip, she handed the camera back to me, and I have been taking and editing travel photos ever since.

Given my natural resistance and complete lack of knowledge, it is a testament to the camera that we came home with any photos at all.  However, there are no particular tips or insights to offer from this first attempt at travel photography, as I did nearly everything wrong.

Some years later I have inadvertently learned quite a bit, while steadfastly remaining in the ranks of a taker of snapshots. A fairly wide ranging article on really simple travel photography, covering general philosophy and practice, can be found at The Travel Chronicle Travel Photography page.

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